Monday, 28 December 2009

First Meeting

On our first meeting Georgina already had an idea of what we could do.

She had this idea about a girl feeling different and so she does everyday things but with a clown mask on. There are shots of her doing her everyday things like waking up, eating breakfast, brushing her teeth and so on but in all of the shots she is wearing the clown mask. The next day the girl wakes up and finds a party invitation on her bed side table and she goes to the party and people are laughing at her. A gang of people then drag her outside and begin to beat her up and try to pull her mask off. Someone comes along and offers her a hand, it is a boy with a clown mask on. The two of them walk of in to the sunset together because they have found their sole mate.

Kelsey, Rahkee and I all really liked this idea and once Georgina had finished telling us her idea we were all suggesting ideas for what else we could added to the video like different situations and different camera angles. We also started thinking about locations that we needed to find - a bedroom and a party.

The first song we thought might go with this story was Muse - Feeling Good.

In the next lesson we will ask Mrs McLuckie what she thinks of the idea.

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