Wednesday, 10 March 2010

First Attemps of the back of the Digi Pak

This is my first attempt at the back cover of the digi pak. I added the bands record labels logo at the bottom of the page, as from doing research I found that this is one of the conventions of digi paks. I also added the bands website addresses as again this is a convention of digi paks and it allows the owner of the digi pak to find out more information about the band easily. Another thing I added was a bar code as this is a normal convention of any CD so that it can be sold in a shop. I only added the one track to this version as I thought we were just making a digi pak for the single, I added the length of the track to the back of the digi pak as from looking at singles I had at home they all indicate the length of the track.

With this second attempt at the digi pak I added all of the bands singles the same ones as they have on their own albumn. I chose to lay the tracks out in a paragraph rather than a list as it took up less room and from teh research I have doen many Indie bands show their tracks in this way. I made every other single red so that you could easily see the differnet tracks.

With this last cover I changed the arrangement of the websites and the creators to see what it looked like.
I will take some pictures in the next week to add to the digi pack and depending on the colour of the pictures will determine the colour I make the background on the back cover of the digi pak.

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